family maternity
family maternity


Here at Hopfrog HR, we deal with the human side of employment looking after you, your people and your culture.  We work locally across Derby, Nottingham and South Yorkshire offering HR advice to support you and your business.

Finding the right people

We've all heard the saying that "people are the Company's greatest assets" but how true this statement is!  

Just take a moment to consider how much time, money and effort goes into finding the right person, employing them and all the costs associated with their employment (salary, benefits, equipment and tools for the job etc.) not to mention your time looking for the right person in the first place.

By engaging the services of recruitment specialists we can support you through the process of searching and selecting the right people to join your Company within the legal framework.  

Basic essentials

We can help you put together a job description for the role to be filled and then focus on and what type of person and skills you need to fill that role creating a person specification.  You need to consider where to advertise, timing - how quickly do you need to recruit and also your target audience you want to reach to ensure the right candidates see your advertisement.

How can we help?

We can help with as little or as much support as you need; from an HR presence during your interview process through to managing the whole process for you including candidate assessment if required.

We can advise on:

  • the best mediums to use to advertise to reach your target candidates
  • screen CV's to provide you with a short-list 
  • initial screening of the short list via a telephone or skype interview
  • character, capability assessment and skills testing 
  • design interview questions 
  • interview candidates for you face to face