Why have a Handbook?

As any organisation grows, it's important that your employees understand how things are done around the place.  

Handbooks can be an excellent vehicle for explaining the rules and processes that makes life easier for everyone to work within.  They set out the boundaries, and can be used as the foundation upon which to build working relationships and culture.

So long as it's written in plain English, of course, handbooks can really help new employees get to grips with their working environment much more quickly and can also serve as a reminder to existing employees.

As and when necessary, you can incorporate new procedures, introduce new benefits for your employees  or simply consider a "HealthCheck" review - taking into account any changes to employment legislation since you last reviewed your handbook. 

How can we help you?

We can review what you already have in place and advise on any changes that should be considered.  This might be as a result of changes in employment law or as a result of a change in the way you do things that has an impact on your employees.

Hopfrog HR take pride in dealing with the human side of employment looking after you, your people and your culture.  We work locally across Derby, Nottingham and South Yorkshire but we can also support you and your business if that takes you further afield than the Midlands so get in touch if we can help you.