Disciplinary & Grievances are never easy...

Here at Hopfrog HR, we deal with the human side of employment looking after you, your people and your culture.  We work locally across Derby, Nottingham and South Yorkshire but we can also support you and your business if that takes you further afield than the Midlands.

Handling a disciplinary or grievance is neither easy nor pleasant and most would avoid the conflict if they had the option.  This is where we can come in to support you with advice and the reassurance to comply with the required legal process and, if you prefer, on site support.


These fall into two main areas: misconduct (minor issues) or gross misconduct which could ultimately result in dismissal.  We can provide you with a disciplinary and grievance policy and procedure tailored to your needs.


Whatever the issue, a grievance can be disruptive to a department, affecting far more employees than just the parties concerned.This is where we can come in to support you with advice and the reassurance to comply with the required legal process and, if you prefer, on site support.


It's vital that in all cases a thorough investigation is undertaken by an independent investigating officer.  This person should then be excluded from any subsequent hearing which, in smaller organisations, could be awkward.  We can provide impartiality for organisations that may not have the internal resources to do so or where you prefer to use external resources.

Capability to perform

In some cases, you may have under performing employees who lack either skills, ability or motivation to do the job they were engaged to do.  In these circumstances, we can help manage an employee back to the required level of performance or, if that fails to have the right results, out of your business.